Human Resource Management
BTHCM is a fully integrated cloud-based application to manage your Human Resources and Payroll . It helps maintaining complete and up-to date employee records and history along with detailed payroll computations and integration with our BTFIN (Finance Management System).
BTHCM provides a feature-rich platform that allows companies to efficiently manage Human Resources while gaining visibility to their most important assets....their employees. BTHCM Improves data accuracy, reporting, and compliance by bringing HR and payroll together. BTHCM provides a plethora of advantages including improved efficiency, less timeline, accuracy, precision and enhanced productivity. It also provides full safety of sensitive data by having a user rights module to control the access. BTHCM provides a very powerful dashboard reporting that helps in analyzing data efficiently. Easy to use designs including a self-service page to request/view leaves , loan/advances , expenses/claims etc.